As I update this page I'm blown away by how far we've come in the past two years. And it's no longer 'about me'... we have a team! 

Based in Peterborough in the UK, with my wife Rachael and youngest son Owen we get to serve people all around the world through our YouTube channel, online courses and private coaching.

Cheesy as it sounds, we are living the dream! (well, I'm not sure Owen ever dreamt of working across from his mum but go with me). 

Personally, I spent years dreaming of running an online business, being financially free and able to work from anywhere. I watched online entrepreneurs and listened to their podcasts wondering if it was really possible to achieve this coveted lifestyle and I'm happy and relieved to report, it is.

My background's not in video, I was a photographer for 15 years but I had to learn how to make videos in order to teach on YouTube. And maybe that's why I have an ability to keep things simple and people find me relatable. I'm just helping you with exactly the things I had to figure out myself, minus the wasted time and money! 

And that's really why we have the variety of academies you see on the homepage. 

I was asked to help people make videos like mine, so I started the Pro Video Academy

People were loving my lives, so I started the Ecamm Live Academy.

I realised that almost 80% of our customers were finding us on YouTube without advertising, so I started the YouTube Academy to help others achieve the same success. 

And finally, I was asked how we put our academies together, so we started the Kajabi academy and share all we know about running an online business. 

So as you can see, these aren't random courses, they're based on the pillars of our business and we're sharing all we know to help others achieve the same success we've had, without all the wasted time and effort.

Please sign up below and we'll keep you updated with everything we're up to.

Thanks so much for stopping by, we'd love to be of help to you :-)  




Adrian Salisbury


Adrian is the face of the business, the main coach who's always smiling and ready to serve however he can. He's the one constantly looking at new opportunities and creating new courses. Who knows what's coming next!?!

Rachael Salisbury


Rachael is really the BOSS... but you all knew that right! The voice of reason and the one doing the work behind the scenes to leave Adrian doing his thing ;-)
... when it's not sunny of course, we don't see Rach in the office on sunny days! 

OwenĀ Salisbury

Sales and Marketing

Owen has been a huge asset to the business. With wisdom well beyond his years Owen has not only taken our videos to a whole new level but he'sĀ quickly learning to wear many caps in a small family business and is thriving in every department, including coaching.

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